Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 1 - The Gladiator

Kelly sharing about Jesus being the ultimate gladiator
Being with the Central Warriors yesterday was simply awesome! The guys were reponsive and very respectful as me, Shawn Campbell, and Jeremiah Riner ministered. Jeremiah opened up in a word of prayer before I came and shared about who we were and what 4th and inches is about. As I began to share I began to notice so many familiar faces on the team many of whom I have coached myself, or taught. It really made me feel at home with them.

Week 1's devotion was dealing with how Jesus is the ultimate gladiator. The premise for this devotion comes from the fact that football players are often referred to as gladitors because of the "wars" they fight on the gridiron. Jesus is however the greatest gladitor of all time because He took the field one Friday Night and defeated death, hell, and the grave. What an awesome thing!! The players were encouraged to rely on the strength of God and know that they are not alone, they have a gladiator fighting for them.

Shawn Campbell ended our devotional time with a prayer and I broke the team down with Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Afterwards we talked with several of the fellas and enjoyed plenty of laughs.

Good luck to the Warriors tonight as they open their season against Thomas Walker.

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